Cyber security risks of remote working
So, in this post we are going to learn about Cyber security risks of remote working.
It is now common for a significant part of an organization's employees to work remotely as a result of remote work becoming a highly popular practice around the world. The downside, however, is that while remote work improves productivity, enhances work-life balance, and provides flexibility, it has security risks. The popularity of remote working has increased greatly since the pandemic. Some predict that working from home will continue to increase across multiple sectors once the pandemic fades.
In this new remote-working landscape created by the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity became an even greater concern for businesses everywhere. Keep reading to learn the top five ways that remote employees can pose cyber security risks to your organization as well as risk mitigation tips.Because of increased reliance on technology we are far more susceptible to cyber attacks without office systems that provide security protections - such as firewalls and blacklisted IP addresses. Our everyday tasks are usually conducted online, so the most probable risk is that something could be compromised. After all, if it's online, then it's likely to be compromised by a cyber criminal.Whether it's Cloud documents, emails or attachments, instant message clients or third-party services, all of your digital information has become vulnerable even more as it's routinely shared digitally.
Increasing cyber security requirements for remote employees makes it necessary for organizations to look towards more advanced solutions, such as investing in a zero-trust model and identity-Centric service offerings, to gain a stronger approach.In addition to the convenience and benefits of working from home, it poses a variety of cyber Security risks to both individuals and businesses.By following best practices, you can mitigate most cyber Security threats at home quite easily, which is why you must give serious consideration to home cyber Security . A company may have a fully remote workforce, or employees who work from home from time to time, or even employees who go on business trips frequently. And there's no doubt that configuring security for these components is more difficult than managing your on-premises endpoints. so, this is all about Cyber security risks of remote working.
Cyber security risks of remote working for Employees .
Businesses might have a whole remote workforce, people who work from home sometimes, or employees who travel frequently for business. And without a doubt, maintaining these enterprise endpoints is more difficult than doing so on-premises.
Using Weak Passwords
It is possible for employees to misuse weak passwords when trying to protect their accounts, even when an organization uses VPNs, firewalls, and other cyber security solutions.In order to access sensitive company information, hackers will crack account passwords, knowing that human error is easier to exploit than sophisticated security software.
Using human error as a means of bypassing an advanced security solution is easier for cyber criminals than using an automated system, which is why they crack passwords in an attempt to gain access to company data. Various methods are used by cyber criminals to crack passwords. For example, they may compile lists of commonly used passwords, which may be used to access accounts protected by weak passwords with ease.
Some hackers write code designed to try out a wide variety of variants to crack passwords over time. If a password is not extremely complex, a bot can likely crack it with enough time. Attempting to hack more than one account with the same password is another usual practice used by cyber criminals. They crack the password to one account and then try to hack the rest of the accounts with the same password. The risk of cyber attacks is higher for individuals who use the same password for personal and business accounts.
File Sharing
Data stored on a network may be encrypted, but companies may not consider encrypting data in transit between locations.It is impossible to afford not securing your employees' information from being seized by a cyber criminal because they share so much private information every day. If sensitive company information is intercepted, it can lead to identity fraud, ransomware attacks, theft, and more.
How can this be resolved?
Email encryption is an important step when sending sensitive data over email or over the phone. When it comes to email encryption, Outlook, a popular email platform, has features that convert plain text emails into scrambled cipher text, allowing only the recipient with the key to decrypt the message.You can also use email encryption platforms to secure email data, attachments, and contact lists.
The right business phone system can encrypt and securely email voicemail messages. To ensure sensitive data is protected, some business phone providers have features that can encrypt and securely email voicemail messages. Alternatively, you can encrypt your data by using a file-sharing platform such as Dropbox or One Drive that offers end-to-end encryption.
Email Scams
The biggest threat to your network's security can ultimately come from your employees who work remotely. By unknowingly following cyber security worst practices, your employees can give hackers access to your company's private information.Whenever an employee's company operations are temporarily or suddenly shifted to remote work, employees often become confused as to how to perform their tasks securely.
phishing strategies pose the greatest threat to remote employees.
Employees who unknowingly follow cyber security worst practices can be most at risk for compromising the security of your network. They can give hackers and cyber criminals access to sensitive data on your network. An individual or entity can conduct a phishing scheme by masquerading as a legitimate source via email so they can trick a victim into providing private login credentials or other confidential information. This can then be used to get into accounts and steal more information.
It is becoming harder for employees to spot phishing emails as they have become increasingly sophisticated, especially when phishing emails pass through email filters straight to a person's inbox.
How to stay safe when working from home .
Use a VPN
It's common to work remotely via the company's Virtual Private Network (VPN). However, this creates new security weaknesses in the home office which hackers may exploit.A company should aim to improve its VPN's security by providing employees with work from home security tips and guidance. The company should provide remote workers with guidelines and guidelines for being a secure remote worker.
Employees use VPN connections all the time, including when they work from home. It is recommended that they use the VPN provided by your company when they connect to unsecured networks, such as Wi-Fi hotspots. As a result of this tool, all your organization's traffic will be routed via the internet from your private network, guaranteeing even more security. In other words, anyone attempting to intercept the encrypted data will be unable to get to it.As a result, your employees will have access to your company's intranet, the private network that is intended for use only by employees at your company (if you have one).
Secure your home Wi-Fi
You can make your home Wi-Fi network more secure by following a few straightforward steps. One easy way to ensure cyber security for remote workers is through stronger security on your home Wi-Fi network.If you want to change the default router password, go to in your browser and enter a new one. This will give you access to your router's settings page, where you can change the password.On the same settings page, you can also change your SSID, the name of your wireless system, into a harder to guess password to prevent third parties from identifying and accessing your wireless network. Do not use your name, home address, or anything that could be used to identify you.
The most secure encryption method, if you are using newer hardware, is WPA2. You can select this from the security settings on your wireless configuration page. You may also choose WEP, WPA, or WPA2.You can restrict network access to specific MAC addresses to add additional security. Each device you connect to your network has a unique MAC address (open your Command Prompt and type "ipconfig/all" to find out the address for each device).
So, it was everything about Cyber security risks of remote working. now, If you are looking forword to learn cyber security then feel free to contact us.
Bobby Tiwari